(Click on title to view or download a PDF)
Programme note for Great Peace, directed by Youjin Choi, Paris
A Letter to the Sane, followed by What is Why 20.7.19
Have I None Programme note “A Suicide Note” (with Update 26.6 19)
Brexit and the present cause of future crisis Etcetera Theatre, Camden 11 March 2019
Thatcherism, Big Brum, 'Existence'
Interview with "SCENA", Serbian Theatre Arts Review number 1, Novi Sad, 2013.
A programme note written for Unifaun Theatre's production of Olly's Prison, directed by Chris Cooper, in Valletta, Malta, March 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 2013.
The First Word
Edward Bond wrote "The First Word" for a seminar on his work at Warwick University and Big Brum's "Bond @ 50 Theatre Festival" at Warwick Arts Centre. "The First Word" was written for the opening day and his talk on the last day was called "The Last Word." The events took place on 2 and 3 November 2012. "The First Word" was written for the first day and his talk on the last day as called "The Last Word." (Edward Bond, 29 10 12)
The Edge: a personal comment
This note was written for adult audiences at Big Brum TiE's performances of The Edge (Edward Bond, 16 10 12)
The Third Crisis: the State of Future Drama
A version of this talk was first give at Bochum (Mulheim) in June 2012 at a conference of the German Society for Contemporary Drama in English.
Bingo: scenes of money and death
This is a repressed programme note for the Chichester Festival production of Bingo (2010), revived at London Young Vic (2012).
Riot War Justice History
Riot War Justice History (01/01/2012) is a programme note for The Riot Act by The Mayhem Company,
Introduction to Lyric's 2011 production of Saved
A new introduction for Saved written for the programme of the production at the Lyric Theatre, London, in October 2010.