"Drama Notes are taken from current work-notebooks. Some notes are theoretical, others practical (in so far as practice may be made clear outside rehearsal rooms). From time to time other notes will be added. The present theatre is weary. Directors work as if plays and actors were made of cardboard that can be snipped into shape. Instead they are like water that must be confined in situations so that the currents create themselves. The notes are meant as a basis for drama in what I called The Third Crisis." Edward Bond, 2016.
(Click on title to view or download a PDF)
A Production of CHAIR in Malta - 6.06.23
CRITICS - 10.03.23Notes on “The Under Room” ( Newman University) and on Meta Drama
Drama Note 1 - Being in a State
Revised 22.03.16.
Drama Note 3 - There Are No Bridges to the Self
Drama Note 4 - The Basis of Drama
Revised 25.03.16.
Drama Note 5 - Epoch Drama
Revised 26.03.16.